Dick Panter


(hometown: Alberta) Dick Panter, together with Albert Branham and the late Jim Ronaghan, took the Alberta-based Old Trapper SuperStock race team to the NHRA world finals on multiple occasions. Along the way, they set track and national records with their class.

The Trapper Team ran 4 cars during their career, starting with a 1968 Hemi GTX, 2 1970 Hemi Cudas, and ending their run with a 1968 Hurst Hemi Dart. Dick also drove for other SuperStock racers, including Cam Noseworthy, Harold Didluck, Gary Wolosinka, as well as John Petrie.

A consistent runner, sportsman, and advocate for the sport of drag racing, Dick proves to be a fantastic ambassador, and was well known for his ability to “read the tree”. He vied for 1971 SSDA National Finals, coming in runner-up up as a member of the Old Trapper team.